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Re: Eliding repeated morphemes: synthesis vs analysis

From:# 1 <salut_vous_autre@...>
Date:Sunday, December 26, 2004, 18:49
>This started me cogitating. At first it seemed obviously a difference >between analysis and synthesis, but now I'm not so sure. Consider the >English possessive in -'s, for instance. Is that considered an analytic >or >synthetic feature? We say "Mark and Jody's house", not "Mark's and >Jody's house". Is that "Mark and (Jody's)", with the -'s simply >understood >to be applied to "Mark" as well, or is it "(Mark and Jody)'s", with >the -'s actually being applied to the phrase as a whole?
I always thought a 's refers to the last group of word "My father's car" is "(my father)'s car" but if there is an other 's in the refered group? like if you have my friend's father the father's book it is like ((my friend)'s father)'s book is it "my friend's father's book" if I had the book's page (((my friend)'s father)'s book)'s page wich will be "my friend's father's book's page" I can continue with the page's sentence the sentence's word the word's letter the letter's color and make "my friend's father's book's page's sentence's word's letter's color" witch is "(((((((my friend)'s father)'s book)'s page)'s sentence)'s word)'s letter)'s color" if "color" belongs to something else like the "chromatic circle" "(((((((my friend)'s father)'s book)'s page)'s sentence)'s word)'s letter)'s ((chromatic circle)'s color)" without the parenthesis it can't be diferentiated of "((((((((my friend)'s father)'s book)'s page)'s sentence)'s word)'s letter)'s (chromatic circle))'s color" In frensh it would be la couleur du cercle chromatique de la lettre du mot de la phrase de la page du livre du père de mon ami or (la couleur de(le cercle chromatique)) de(la lettre de(le mot de(la phrase de(la page de(le livre de(le père de(mon ami))))))) {notice that "de" is the genitive preposition but that with "le" it becomes "du". I separated them becose with these parentesis they are not in the same group} the way to differentiate if the chromatic circle belongs to the letter or is independant is in frensh that the final sillable of the parentesis (or groups of words) will accentuated so we know that the color belongs to the chromatic circle and that belongs also to the letter wich belongs to the word et caetera... by the fact that in "le cercle chromatique" the final [tik] will be accentuated but it group accents don't exist in english so I don't know how you can make the difference does someone know something about this?