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Re: Arabic greeting (was: Re: Somewhat Off-Topic: thinking in conlangs)

From:caeruleancentaur <caeruleancentaur@...>
Date:Tuesday, September 30, 2008, 14:27
> Eugene Oh <un.doing@...> wrote: > > And a general musing -- peace indeed seems to be the foremost well- > wish.
> Obconlang: How many of the greetings on CALS are actually > variations of "peace"?
Greetings in Senjecas do not use the word "peace" but the word "well" which I believe encompasses the same meaning. Upon departure, the one departing says, "susmêne," remain well. I like to translate it as "bide well." The one remaining says, "susrêðe," fare well. "rêða" means to travel, journey, fare, etc. These expressions are in the imperative. Upon meeting by chance, "sus môôdaþus," well met, is said by both parties. Upon welcoming someone to his home, the host says, "sus gwêraþus," well received. These verbs are passive participles, called by Senjecan grammarians patient participles. And there is the friendly casual greeting "alââ," hello, ahoy.
> (And may I thus suggest a field to input translations of greetings?)
Good suggestion! Charlie


Matthew Turnbull <ave.jor@...>