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Re: easy sounds

From:# 1 <salut_vous_autre@...>
Date:Thursday, January 6, 2005, 3:15
>At any rate, all vowels are 'easy' to produce---it just depends on what >phonemes your native speech had that you learnt as a child. Babies (at a >particular stage of their linguistic development) can distinguish more >sounds than you or me.
Are you sure? any french speaker can know if someone who speaks french have english as natal language with the pronounciation of the vowel [y] Except if the person lived in a french envirronment since a long time, an english natal speaker will say the sound [y] like [Y] or [}] And a lot will have difficulty to pronounce nasal vowels exactly as they must be OK I know everybody can say these sounds when he start of a sound he master and slowly turn the sound into the one wanted but in a conversation it may be harder


Christian Thalmann <cinga@...>