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Re: easy sounds

From:Isaac Penzev <isaacp@...>
Date:Thursday, January 6, 2005, 19:08
Christian Thalmann wrote:

> Babies start out as perfect listeners, and have > to learn to ignore non-phonemic differences between individual > people's pronunciations in order to understand language.
I don't know if it is scientific or not, but I always had feeling that there is a kind of remapping mechanism in our brains, that makes adjustments to individual accents, both in native language and in foreign one. That is why, e.g., I find difficult to follow YAEPTs when you talk about phoneMic oppositions in your dialects: something inside me makes me to ignore the difference between PR [bI@], GA [bIr\] and Tristan's [bI:]. I'm not even sure if I can hear the difference unless this is said by the same person! So I understand what Gary says about "mouth noises". Btw, it doesn't work well for me in my L1, Russian. Standard language has a very high social prestige here, therefore funny accents always bite one's ears. -- Yitzik