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Re: Preliminary Teach Yourself.

From:andrew <hobbit@...>
Date:Sunday, August 12, 2001, 0:29
Am 08/11 12:28  Padraic Brown yscrifef:
> I've decided to put up some TY material for Kerno at > <>. Not much yet, > and I don't know how far I'll go with it. As you can > see, the format and dialogue are largely lifted from > "TY Welsh" - but then again, why reinvent the bloody > wheel! >
The Tinners Senate is mentioned twice in the Introduction, but what its actual role is is no where specified. You may want to insert a subclause after the first time you mention it so that the casual reader knows what you are talking about. - andrew. -- Andrew Smith, Intheologus alias Mungo Foxburr of Loamsdown Preacher on the corner, calling it a crime, Says, 'The end don't justify the means anytime'. I stood up on my van. I yelled, 'Excuse me, sir. Ain't nothing wrong with this country That a few plastic explosives won't cure.' - Steve Taylor, I Blew Up The Clinic Real Good


Padraic Brown <pbrown@...>