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Re: Circumfixes?

From:Christophe Grandsire <christophe.grandsire@...>
Date:Thursday, June 7, 2001, 13:29
En réponse à Andreas Johansson <and_yo@...>:

> > You find a 40-word sentence very long? Hm, I guess I wouldn't. But > IMHO, > what makes a sentence difficult isn't usually length but complexity, ie > whether it's got lots of embedded clauses, relative pronouns etc. >
Well, I find a sentence with lots of subclauses easier than a same-length sentence without, though embedded clauses are really a pain, that's true.
> Andreas > > PS Speaking of complex language, I like to believe I write in a rather > relaxed and casual way, altho' I do recognize my sentences sometimes > get > longer than some would like, but my last Swedish paper missed the top > grade > because the teacher thought that the language in it was too formal and > advanced, seeing that the text was according to the instruction supposed > to > be written in the form of an article for a youth magazine. I told the > teacher that was rather harsh on readers of youth magazines. She > replied, > fully seriously, that I had to realize most people aren't on my level. > What > to you say to something like that??
"Thank you!" :)) Well, once one of my teachers said something like that about me too. And she didn't mean that as a compliment. Well, I already knew that French education values more mediocrity than brightness, so I wasn't that surprised. Well, "mediocrity" is not the right word. "Uniformity"'s better... Christophe.


Andrew Chaney <adchaney@...>