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Re: Goa'uld? and 2 other questions.

From:Herman Miller <hmiller@...>
Date:Saturday, May 20, 2000, 2:20
On Fri, 19 May 2000 19:32:44 EDT, Iisem@AOL.COM wrote:

>In a message dated 5/18/00 6:32:51 PM Mountain Daylight Time, >spacey@UNNATURAL.DEMON.CO.UK writes: > ><< > 2) Do any natlangs feature "stuttered" consonants in their phoneme > inventory, i.e. a consonant duplicated very quickly, but with a full > (silent) release rather than being geminated/ambisyllabic? I'm considering > using a few such sounds to a new lang, but I'm doubtful about how > naturalistic they sound. > >> > >I don' t know for certain, but i do believe on the movie 'dances with wolves' > the native american language used a stuttered consonant in 'chumane t'tonka >owachi... ' (many appologies to any native americans out there for my gross >rendition of the phonetics as i remember them) but i think that is how it >went... might be something to check out though.
I believe it was "shungmanitu tanka"; the two t's belong to separate words. (The "un" and "an" are nasal versions of "u" and "a"). -- languages of Azir------> ----<>--- h i l r i . o "If all Printers were determin'd not to print any m l e @ o c m thing till they were sure it would offend no body, (Herman Miller) there would be very little printed." -Ben Franklin