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Re: Anadewism? Reflexive case

From:Keith Gaughan <kmgaughan@...>
Date:Monday, February 7, 2005, 18:02
Estel Telcontar wrote:

> I just had an interesting conlang feature idea, inspired by my syntax > textbook. > The textbook points out that (in English) *Dantes accused can't be > interpreted so that Dantes is both the accuser and the accused. > > Now, I know that some languages have reflexive verbs that indicate that > the subject is also the object. > > But what if a language marked this by having a morpheme that was like a > case marker that indicated that an argument was both subject and > object, called, say, "Reflexive case"?
Though not a reflexive case per-se, my Térnaru does something like that. Térnaru uses trigger (though I didn't realise that when I came up with the idea) particles to denote the function of each NP in a sentence. The idea to use particles to denote NP function came to me via Japanese. The next idea was to put two particles on the one NP to denote reflexivity. Then from there, it wasn't a big jump to "hmm... what if I leave this NP freestanding and move its particles onto the verb..." and voila: triggers! Almost: I had to get rid of some deadwood that seems pointless (like the fact that the verb still denoted voice). Example: an-a-Lídu íl ták ACT-PAT-Lídu PST hit "Lídu hit him/herself"
> Anyone know of an ANADEWism for this?
'fraid not: only language I know that does anything like this is Térnaru. K.