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Re: Correlatives (was Re(2): Re(2): Re(2): basque article)

From:Barry Garcia <barry_garcia@...>
Date:Friday, August 13, 1999, 4:37
Well, i'm not planning on an Auxlang (something i'm personally not very
interested in). Tagalog has some pronouns that are fairly regular in

For people and things:  Ito - this,  iyan - that,  iyon - that over there

For specifing things in a specific place: Dito - this place, Diyan - that
place, Doon - that place over there

For people: Nito - the house of this person, Niyan - The thing of that
person, Niyon - The thing of that person over there.

not quite like Zamenhofs correlatives but they are surprisingly regular
for a natlang :).

But, thanks for the information Carlos, i see what correlatives are now :)


     "Raw to the floor like reservoir dogs"  - A.V. Helden