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Re: Spanish ll in different dialects

From:Tamas Racsko <tracsko@...>
Date:Saturday, September 11, 2004, 13:22
On 9 Sep 2004 Mark Reed <markjreed@...> wrote:

> I wonder if you don't really mean y + circumflex, which is not in > Latin-1.
You are absolutely right, I meant y with circumplex (this was the reason of notation |y^|) but wrote erroneously y with acute.
> Can you not send accented characters from both n+tilde (ń) > and y+acute (ý) are standard Latin-1 characters that pass unscathed > through even our wonky listserv software.
I use Latin-2 (Central European) codeset here. I have "y with acute" but "n with tilde" is actually "n with acute" here. Moreover, there were cases when my |ö|'s (o with umlaut) and |ü|'s (u with umlaut) were replaced by they quote-printable reprezentations |=F6| and |=FC|. Therefore I decided to avoid any diacritics as much as possible.
> From the lack of mention of dialectical limitations I would guess that > it is probably a feature that doesn't characterize certain dialects so > much as appear in several; nevertheless I'm sure it is mostly limited to > a certain subset.
I am not in the position to argue with you. But it is somehow disturbing for me that the textbook I cited did not mention that |y| in the given positions could be pronounced otherwise but as an affricate |y^|. (N.B. According to the phonetical transciption, it is not exactly the voiced pair of |ch| /tS/, rather a Spanish |y| /j\/ starting from a plosive phase.)