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Re: Relexes Pt. 1: Defence

From:Andreas Johansson <andjo@...>
Date:Tuesday, December 16, 2003, 9:43
Quoting J Y S Czhang <czhang23@...>:

> We also seem to be evolving our own technical cant ;) (i.e. maggelity, > ANADEWism, engelang, mangalang, etc.)
I'm sometimes surprised that conlang-speak has not evolved into something much more cant-like; almost all the neologisms that have gained currency on the list denote things that have no good equivalent in standard English vocabularity. The continuous trickle of new members no doubt has something to do with it, but clearly most regular posters _want_ to stick to something able to pass of as Good Standard English, and to avoid being more opaque than necessary. Our hobby (/obsession) may be for the select few, but we're no exclusive "elite" with a private language to keep the masses out. Andreas