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Re: OT: Rant about degres Celsius (was: introduction)

From:Tristan Alexander McLeay <anstouh@...>
Date:Friday, November 30, 2001, 5:48
On Thu, 29 Nov 2001, BP Jonsson wrote:

> At 23:02 2001-11-29 +1100, Tristan Alexander McLeay wrote: > >Is `Celsius' not spelt with an `S'? (I'm assuming the spellings are the > >same in every language that uses the Latin alphabet.) > > No, the guy was a Swede and Latinized his name as Celsius. Probably he > came from a place whose name began in Käll- or Kjells-, which would have > been pronounced with an initial [tS] in his time. The name Celsius is > however pronounced with initial [s] in Swedish.
No, I mean the person I replied to spelt it as `Celcius', not `Celsius'. The `s' there is rather odd and so I got confused, knowing that I used to spell it wrongly and started doing it properly, but forgot which is which. Tristan War doesn't prove who's right, just who's left. - BSD Games' Fortune