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Re: translations in Tr:pang & Linga

From:laokou <laokou@...>
Date:Sunday, October 21, 2001, 21:00
From: "J Y S Czhang"

> "Human speech is like a cracked kettle on which we tap crude rhythms for > bears to dance to while we long to make music that will melt stars." > > - Gustave Flaubert, _Madame Bovary_
Here's what ol' Gus himself said on the subject (and it's a clipped part of a longer sentence): " parole humaine est comme un chaudron fêlé où nous battons des mélodies à faire danser les ours, quand on voudrait attendrir les étoiles." Hence, in Géarthnuns: Chí möls íalöraul la sö zdhörhébsöt tsídökhtölöböt, chöbön makhlama la sak pmarazensach, çörau chík aidalsích ban förhífaz daumöth sho, shtanö seth lav chauk latursauch ba rhtön jökfü hauhüraf sho, nöi. Chí möls íalöraul la sö zdhörhébsöt tsídökhtölöböt, the speech-nom human-nom present a kettle-acc cracked-acc chöbön makhlama la sak pmarazensach, çörau chík which-instr we-nom pres some melody-acc/pl, çörau* the aidalsích ban förhífaz daumöth sho, shtanö seth lav chauk bear-acc/pl BA-causative dance beat SHO, when one-nom pres-impersonal the latursauch ba rhtön jökfü hauhüraf sho, nöi. star-acc/pl BA move(emotionally) rather want-speculative SHO, resemble/ *"çö" translates awkwardly as "in such a way as to...", "by which to...". More conversationally, "nöi" would most likely be placed after "tsídökhtölöböt". Kou


SuomenkieliMaa <suomenkieli@...>translations in Tr:pang & Linga (Vyh)