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Re: CHAT: the gay Canadian (was: "have a nice day")

From:And Rosta <a.rosta@...>
Date:Sunday, March 5, 2000, 17:35
> And Rosta wrote: > > "Gay French" doesn't sound good. > > I'd use "Gay Frenchman", most national adjectives sound horrible to me > when used as singular nouns, "a Japanese", "a Chinese", "a Spanish" > sounds aweful, I'd say "a Japanese person", "a Chinese person", "a > Spaniard". However, "a Mexican" or "an Italian" both sound okay. I > think that nousn with -ish/-ese/-ic (and perhaps others) for me can't be > used as singular nouns. As collectives, like "the Hundred Years' War > was between the French and the English" are perfectly acceptable, > however.
I meant that, unlike 'Gay Canadian', it lacked panache. Though as names of cavalry regiments, "The Gay French" and "The Gay Canadians" sound equally good, and the men of them equally handsome. --And.