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Re: Butterflies

From:caeruleancentaur <caeruleancentaur@...>
Date:Friday, November 4, 2005, 16:45
The Senjecuni knew the following insects in their homeland (the
Russian steppes, the Caucasus & the Ural mountains).  Compound words
are hyphenated to show the elements. -en is the class ending for

x = C; £ = l_d_0; c = c; ÿ = j_0; µ = m_0; ë = E; ü = U; ç = ts; j =

azd-ô£en - glowworm; âzda, to glow + ô£en, worm.
bax-môcen - dragonfly; bâcon, staff + môcen, fly. Note the lenition.
bax-môx-len - damselfly. -l- = diminutive.
cêben - locust.
ciiþ-pêêten - beetle; cîîton, shield + pêêton, wing.
cîînden - nit
contôôren - maggot
êmpen - gnat, midge
fââflen - butterfly; < fââfla, to flutter.
fel-môcen - firefly; fêla, to glitter + môcen, fly.
lûµen - louse
£émbë-rêmben - grasshopper; £êmben, to leap + rêmben, insect <
rêmbe, to notch.  Note the epenthetic ë.
môcen - fly.
môxlen - mosquito.
môrµen - ant.
µôvsen - wasp.
nécü£émbërêmben - cricket; nêcüan, night + grasshopper.
pülen - flea.
çrsnen - hornet.
têrmen - death watch beetle.
vêjen - bee.
vûcen - horsefly.

And a few arthropods:
arêxnen - hunting spider.
dîÿen - tick; < dîÿa, to prick.
erêcen - mite
çêrten - web-spinning spider; < çêrta, to interweave.

If any of these words are similar to words in your L1, please let me
know.  Thanks.
