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Dug from the Archives

From:Jake X <starvingpoet@...>
Date:Wednesday, May 21, 2003, 1:21
I just found two emails reading the 1995
archives that are very funny in retrospect.
They are to be read together (the second is
in reply to the first).

On Friday, 11 August 1995, Matt Pearson wrote in a postscript:

P.S.:  Most of the postings on this list seem to deal with conlangs
which have been designed to serve as (real or hypothetical) International
Auxiliary Languages.  While I find this sort of thing fascinating, my
real interest is in conlangs constructed for artistic/literary purposes -
e.g. Klingon, Quenya & Sindarin, Kesh, Yilane, etc..  Tell me, is there
another list out there which I should be subscribing to?

In reply to him, an unknown person who didn't sign his email
but whose email address was wrote:


... I would welcome descriptions or
discussions of such languages in my newsletter (Journal of Planned
Languages), but very rarely is this kind of material submitted.
Apparently people who engage in this activity are very reluctant to
discuss it with others.

And now CONLANG is the most active list I've ever been in!
(forget the OTs, they're fine spice in good food).


P.S. Can anyone identify the replyer?


Herman Miller <hmiller@...>