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From:Andrew Smith <hobbit@...>
Date:Tuesday, June 8, 1999, 7:45
A question to a question and answer page in the NZ Listener asked what is
the @ symbol called?  It produced these answers:

English, "commercial at"
German, "klammeraffe" (spider monkey), or "affenschwanz" (monkey's tail)
Dutch, "apestaartje" (monkey's tail)
Danish and Norwegian, "grisehale" (pig's tail) or "snabel" (with an
elephant's trunk)
Finnish, "kissanhanta" (cat's tail) or "miukumauku" (miaow sign)
Hungarian, "kukac" (worm or maggot)
Czech, "zavinac" (rollmop herring)
Hebrew, "strudel" (Viennese apple pastry)
Swedish, "kanelbulle" (cinnamon bun)
French, "escargot", (snail)

- andrew.

Andrew Smith, Intheologus             

        Lo! thy dread empire, Chaos! is restored;
        Light dies before thy uncreating word:
        Thy hand, great Anarch! lets the curtain fall;
        And Universal Darkness buries All.
                        - Alexander Pope, The Dunciad, Book IV.