At 01:21 19/10/98 -0400, you wrote:
>Pablo Flores wrote:
>> Or it could be something like "The Tongue of the Makers"...
>That would be good. Maybe "The Language of the Language-Makers", or
>"The Superior Language". ;-)
Looks a bit tolkienish! But Why not? We could invent a culture and
being the gods of that culture! (when the language is finished, why not
creating a sect? ... sorry, my humour is not very good).
>> Spanish has a related problem regarding the word "hue'sped", which
>> means "host" but also "guest"!
>How do you disambiguate?
In French we don't disambiguate (at least _I_ don't disambiguate).
Only the context tells us what we mean.
Christophe Grandsire
|Sela Jemufan Atlinan C.G.
"R=E9sister ou servir"