Pablo wrote :
> >eventually. (BTW, what should we call the lang itself?)
> "The Tongue" is fine, tho a bit pretentious :-)
Why that ? Isn't it supposed to be the next Lingua Omniae Terrae ? :-)
> "Our Tongue" would be just right. I suggest we make a compound of
> "our" (exclusive 1st pers) + "tongue", where the pronoun is inflected
> by whatever means we have to show our importance :-)
'Unga-Bunga' :-) Did you visit Australia ? An empty place with lots of names like that.
Experiment in itself.
> Or it could be something like "The Tongue of the Makers"...
Yeeeeaaaaah... Cool. :-) You've got my vote for your election as planetary Lingocrat
President :-) (I'll try to so convince Christophe as well).
> >I also think that dative doesn't really belong under the attributive case,
> >but I'm not sure what would be a better place for it. Absolutive, perhaps?
Yes, that's perfect. I see absolutive as a case expressing experience of a state or
benefit of something or the result of a process.
I give you an apple =
erg-me abs-you age-apple gift.
> Let's take a verb with two objects, like "give", and do this:
> erg-I pat-it pred-give_away-susp, erg-you (pat-it) pred-take
> OR
> erg-I pat-it pred-give_away-susp, abs-you (pat-it) pred-have
> OR
> caus-I pat-it abs-you pred-have
> I don't know if this is easy, or totally correct, but I think
> it conveys the information... and it's nice to have different
> ways to say a thing.
That's not bad either. And convincingly Japanese-like.
> --Pablo Flores
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