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Re: notelangs

From:Tim May <butsuri@...>
Date:Wednesday, January 22, 2003, 18:36
Nokta Kanto writes:
 >                                          Cuneiform was scratched into
 > wet clay, and celtic runes were carved into wood; both are composed of
 > entirely straight lines for that reason.

Just to be precise - cuneiform was not, in general, *scratched* in wet
clay, but rather pressed.  That's why they're wedge-shaped (cuneiform)
- the stylus had a wedge-shaped cross-section.  It's because any kind
of scratching is difficult to do in wet clay that cuneiform scripts
were so popular.  Wedge-shaped strokes aren't really very practical in
any other medium, which is why there aren't any cuneiform scripts
around now.  (I'm sure this is an oversimplification, but I think it's
basically correct.)


Aidan Grey <grey@...>