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Re: Futurese

From:Andreas Johansson <and_yo@...>
Date:Tuesday, May 7, 2002, 7:49
Carlos Thompson wrote:
>J Y S Czhang wrote: > > > > In a message dated 05/06/2002 07.46.52 AM, Andreas >(and_yo@HOTMAIL.COM) > > > >In any case [Z] and [z`] are close enough that it's surely preferable >to > > >avoid realizing /r/ as [z`], were one to speak Futurese. > > > > Of course, if one were not making an IAL, I think [Z] and [z`] >could be > > interchangeable phonemes, or allophones. Perhaps if there was a more > > pronounced difference (pardon the pun), they would be a nice contrast >like > > the "light" [l] and "dark" [L]... > >Note that Swedish has a contrast between /s/, /s`/, /S/ and /C/. I >would not recomend this kind of contrast for an IAL either. OTOH, I >have outline artlang sketches with this contrast plus /x\/, /x/ and /h/, >where [x\] is a coarticulated velar-postalveolar fricative: a common >realization of Swedish /S/. (well, and /P/, /f/, /T/ as well, but a >much less degree of contrast in the stops).
It may be noted that the commonest pronunciation of Swedish /S/ is [x], and that [s'] is normally interpreted phonemically as /rs/, and that [C] and [s`] pretty much never contrast, /C/ occuring only syllable-initially, /rs/ only after the syllable core. Andreas _________________________________________________________________ MSN Photos is the easiest way to share and print your photos: