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Re: Keyboards

From:Paul Bennett <paul-bennett@...>
Date:Wednesday, January 11, 2006, 4:23
On Tue, 10 Jan 2006 21:16:01 -0500, Henrik Theiling <theiling@...>

> Paul Bennett <paul-bennett@...> writes: >> I downloaded the Microsoft Keyboard Layout Creator. I'm going to make >> a Thagojian keyboard. I'm also thinking about making a keyboard >> something like CXS, but MS keyboards aren't completely compatible >> with the keystroke order required to type CXS. >> >> Firstly, if I were to make an installable Windows IPA keyboard layout >> based on CXS, which of you would be interested in a copy, if any? >> ... > > I think Carsten Becker has done this, see here: > > >
Interesting. If Carsten's willing, maybe I could discuss with him on list (or off list if you prefer) exactly what he did and how he did it. Maybe it can throw some ideas into the open that other people could be inspired by, or build on. I don't suppose a Thagojian layout is of even passing interest to anyone else, but I'm open to other suggestions of things that might be of interest to the list. One passing thought was a Japanese keyboard that allows you to type romaji and recieve katakana, instead of using the IME, which IMO is too complex for a casual user. What have I not learned about etymological compounds in Japanese, btw? Why is it "hiragana" and "furigana" with a "ga", but "katakana" with a "ka"? Paul


Philip Newton <philip.newton@...>