> Hey all:
> Remember a while ago when I requested "Language Creation" in various
> conlangs?
> Well, I've got the image together, and it's up at
> On the main page I also have a description and attribution for the various
> langs, but I might be missing some or have some langs misattributed. Please
> let
> me know OFFLIST if this is the case, and I'll fix it.
> Several languages didn't make it. There were a couple of reasons for this:
> has no Unicode support right now, which made it hard to get your language in
> if
> it used lots of weird characters and you didn't provide an image. (I did
> manage
> to convince it to write Wenedyk, though). I stopped when I felt that the
> image
> was full enough, so some people who wrote me late didn't make it. And I
> probably
> just lost a couple. In any case, I hope no one is heartbroken if their lang
> didn't make it onto the graphic :).
Hm, I note that while Tairezazh _laistsazent_ didn't made it in, the possible
(but unlikely) Steienzh cognate _laissezenn_ got in ... misspelt.
Now, I don't expect you to change the graphic over this, but I thought I'd
point it out.