Weekly vocab #9 or 10
From: | Roger Mills <romilly@...> |
Date: | Tuesday, June 3, 2003, 20:35 |
Christopher Write wroght:
>Sorry I'm late.
And evidently confused......it's #10, I tell you!!
>A bit of simple linguistic vocab.
And ever more devilish... ;-)))
1. to pronounce-çindi 'speak' (for now)
Those people pronounce everything oddly.
kaç nila ehas-ehas içindi yuno kotani
person those strange2 they=speak all word(s)-their
(kaç nila is arch./bookish/euphonious to avoid "kaçila nila")
2. to agglutinate - vakep 'join together' (for now)
Finnish agglutinates a lot.
sende suwomi pando yavekep humbiyaçni
lang. .... much it-joins piece-pl-its (=morphemes)
3. to conjugate - runjura 'recite', caus. of cura 'tell, narrate' (conjugation is
rather simple in Kash)
He conjugates his verbs superbly
niya lembo yarunjura kotamepuçni
very well he-recites word-work-pl-his
4. syntax - añelatende < añ- nomlz. + elal 'arrange' + sende 'language'
Some dialects change syntax
tapat sesendeç, yaçunu añelatendeni
some dialects(top.), it-differs syntax-its/their
5. morpheme - hambiya(ç) 'piece(s)'-h. lipat 'bound morphemes', h. pefa 'free
morphemes that are neither N, V or Numbers; kotayom 'word-base' lexical items
There are two morphemes in "head cold"
kota "head cold" (tacañi uçakik) yaworun ro kotayom
word ..... (meaning-its .....) it-contains two word-base
lusongi angayamim, kota "uçakik" yaworun mesa kotayom naponi
acc'g knowlege-our, word .... it-contains one base only
"as far as we know,"
mowa-mowani, kota "makaya" (tacañi 'I know') yale ro hutuñi-hambiya lipat "ma-" yam
kotayom "kaya"
OTOH, word "makaya" (meaning....) there-is two part-its -- piece captured ma- ('I')
with base kaya ('know')
6. refuse (garbage) - akukop, noml. < hukop 'throw away'
Refuse is building up in the city
sambatni akukop ri enje yaçulavi (ya-çu-lavi)
quantity-of ... in city it-become-more
7. stench - çahu 'to smell bad'
The stench is horrible.
çahuni cakaçamat
bad-smell-of it accid.-(extremely) disgusting
8. to flinch-(paraphrased for now-cakaçapat with dative 'be overcome with
disgust, recoil in disgust, nauseated')
I flinch whenever I pass a midden.
Me cakaçamat anju-anju maharan ri vora yuruñi (akukop)
me/dat. ..... when2 I-walk at side place-its (garbage)
9. to play (instrument) - tepet, specifically 'to strum, pluck'
I play a lyre for rich men in the city
matepet tasutan/upal uçoñi kaçili pendoye ri enje
I-strum "lute/harp" for(=benefit of) person-pl-gen. rich in city
10. proud-cakaçapus 'overcome by inflation = conceited' < çapus 'inflated, puffed up'
They are overbearingly proud, but they also pay well.
nile cakaçapus, takanda hangani yaleñ
them/dat ....., nevertheless pay-its is-good