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Re: JG's list of conlangs

From:James W <jworlton@...>
Date:Tuesday, July 22, 2003, 15:14
Jan van Steenbergen <ijzeren_jan@...> wrote:

> --- Christophe skrzypszy: > >> >Well, I haven't received anything from him (yet). Should I feel insulted? ;) >> >> He may be proceeding by alphabetic order, and put you at V instead of S ;)))) >> . > >That's a good suggestion! ;) > >> [...] and the fact that I received three identical mails from him >> within two minutes (I mean, two I can understand. Someone can make >> mistakes. But three?! And the times of sending are different in each mail, >> which means he really sent them separately), > >Oh well, perhaps he is just a beginner with computers. I made similar mistakes >in my early e-mail days. Or it is the computer he uses: last year I used >someone's very slow and antique computer for a while to send e-mails, and >sometimes the same message got through several times! Just imagine: you push >"send" and nothing happens for a long while. So you think it didn't work and >the message was lost, and before the text is overwritten by an error message, >you push "send" another few times. Voilà, and there you have ten messages in >your mailbox!
Since he's using the computers at the public library where he lives, who knows what could be happening ;)).
>> Actually, we should be happy someone is interested in our stuff ;))) . > >That's what I think, too.
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