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Re: Solresol in musical notation (was Re: Fw: Re: Conlang T-Shirt)

From:Fabian <rhialto@...>
Date:Saturday, November 6, 1999, 0:27
> Daniel Seriff <microtonal@...> > >I hereby volunteer to draw it up, > >given the translation (I seem to remember seeing it on Fabian's page, > >yes? no?). > > A resounding YES!!! and the people rejoiced over > the much volunteering! > > But seriously Daniel, I really would appreciate > your doing that! Priceless! Kudos! Thank you...
Solresol - in a musical staff would very likely get in. Spanish - give me a translation, then I'll see about space. If I don't have a translation, there's no way at all it will appear on the cloth. --- Fabian Jkun li dik il-kitba tpatti it-tieba ta' qalb ta' patruni tieghi. Jkun li jtaffi ugigh tal-Mitlufin u tal-Indannati. Jkun li ilkoll li jaqraw il-kitba, qalbhom ihobbu is-Sewwa u l-Unur. U b'dak l'ghamil, nithallas tax-xoghol iebes.