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Re: Speaking of Tolkien...

From:Paul Bennett <paul-bennett@...>
Date:Friday, December 12, 2003, 23:32
On Fri, 12 Dec 2003 20:46:32 +0100, Andreas Johansson <andjo@...>

> Quoting paul-bennett <paul-bennett@...>: > >>'s a bit from the Grauniad that seeks to answer the question "How >> did >> Tolkien come up with the languages for Middle Earth?" >> >>,12977,1103955,00.html >> >> "They are invented languages but they are completely logical and they're >> linguistically sound," says Fred Hoyt, a linguistics researcher at the >> University of Texas in Austin who also teaches a course on Elvish. > > Forgive me for being hard to please, but between consistently using the > spelling "Qenya" and claiming that Quenya uses umlauts to indicate > changes in sound, I do not get the impression that article was researched > quite as well as it should have been.
It's the Guardian. That's what they do (that and a slight tinge of bias towards the Liberal Intellectual Elite). Still, it's kinda nice to see a national newspaper of some regard give a serious nod towards conlanging, even if it did fail to mention the hundreds of us that there are here and elsewhere, continuing the craft. And by hundreds, I do mean hundreds: suggests there are 446 subscribers to this list alone. Hold on -- that's less than a quarter of a post each per day. I must have exceeded by quota more than once. Paul