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Re: Unicode yogh?

From:Tristan Alexander McLeay <anstouh@...>
Date:Saturday, November 17, 2001, 13:58
Hash: SHA1

On Sat, 17 Nov 2001, And Rosta wrote:

> Does Unicode contain a yogh, and, if so, has anyone spotted it > in Lucida Sans Unicode? I'm having to use an ezh, and it looks > a bit yucky.
Indeed there is. However, LSU was designed as Unicode 1.x (I think. Maybe it was Unicode 2.x) but the yogh wasn't added till 3.something. It's not in Arial Unicode either, I don't think. Go to your favourite website at and Unicode Charts --> Latin Extended B and you'll get to see where it is too (both upper and lower case versions exist). Apropos of Unicode, if one is using a sans serif font that doesn't have the hook on a l/c a, is there any way to distinguish b/s X-Sampa [a] and [A]? Tristan War doesn't prove who's right, just who's left. - BSD Games' Fortune -----BEGIN PGP SIGNATURE----- Version: GnuPG v1.0.6 (GNU/Linux) Comment: For info see iD8DBQE79m0lcal4LMWSmQcRAhSiAKC87N1OSnuNIAk9Q4+ov5IOlJ5lQgCdHhts RUkIcCx7Y4ahOQHC94/EDAk= =zRCh -----END PGP SIGNATURE-----


Lars Henrik Mathiesen <thorinn@...>
And Rosta <a.rosta@...>