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Re: Idioms (was Website update)

From:Nik Taylor <fortytwo@...>
Date:Monday, June 7, 1999, 5:07
Matt Pearson wrote:
> "Empty thunder" means a lot of pointless noise or hubbub, much ado > about nothing, sound and fury signifying nothing, etc.
I like that one. "Empty thunder", has a nice ring to it. I just may borrow it, or something like that, for Watakass=ED. In Watakass=ED, I have a number of idioms involving the verb lab=ED, to g= ive (incidentally, these are one of the few exceptions to the verb-initial rule). For instance: wanalass=ED lab=ED: to give an eye =3D to watch over watt=ED lab=ED: to give hope =3D to help someone in a difficult task pyal=EDf lab=ED: to give a path =3D to lead But usually noun + lab=ED just replaces a verb that is closely related to the noun, as in waglaz=FA lab=ED: to give advice =3D to advise Two other idioms: pinasabit=E1 laun=ED + dative: to have the law =3D to prosper (originally= "to obey the laws") wakass=E1 wabiz=EDf: the life of the tree =3D leaves (as a collective) --=20 "It's bad manners to talk about ropes in the house of a man whose father was hanged." - Irish proverb ICQ: 18656696 AIM Screen-name: NikTailor