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Re: Idioms (was Website update)

From:Fabian <rhialto@...>
Date:Monday, June 7, 1999, 7:15
Demuan doesn't have many idioms yet, so I might borrow freely from a few
here. One of my own is:

green moon - an unknown someone or something. A guy in a nightclub on the
prowl would be 'searching for a green moon'. If you spent a long time trying
to find something you lost, you might be asked if you had lost your green
moon, the implication being that you forgot what it is that you were looking

white moon - riches ; fortune ; good luck

red moon - illness ; bad luck ; disease ; war ; famine (the last two are
used when speaking of nations)

blue moon - inner peace ; serenity ; zen (this is different from a white
moon, which implies a dramatic change. blue moon merely suggests perfect

All of these are used in the format of finding a ... moon. One additional
usage is the phrase 'when I find a green moon' (ie not in my lifetime), a
lot more colourful than a mere -jedai suffix, although it does also
emphasise that the speaker thinsk it wont happen at all, while -jedai merely
means, 'not in my lifetime'.

Rule One: Question the unquestionable,
ask the unaskable, eff the ineffable,
think the unthinkable, and screw the inscrutable.