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Re: Yer Ugly Mug is open for business!

From:Arthaey Angosii <arthaey@...>
Date:Wednesday, April 30, 2003, 1:59
Emaelivpeith Stone Gordonssen:
>Of course, you've done such a wonderful job that it has inspired in me a >list of requests for Yer Ugly Mug 2.0, in order of preference: > >1. Sort profiles by field (name, country, age) - The field name would be >a hyperlink that would switch to a sorted view, using that field as the >sort criteria. > >2. Page of thumbnails of photos that link to profiles. > >3. Show new profiles since last checked. > >4. A longer field length for Conlang(s).
I second his suggestions and have a few of my own for YUM v2.0 (YUMII ["jVmi]? <grin>). Also in order of preference: 5. A "member of CONLANG since" field. Perhaps this needs to be a fill-in-yourself date drop box, unless the listserv keeps track of such things? And even then, some people may have originally subscribed under a lurking e-mail then switched to their primary e-mail later... 6. A "next" button when viewing an individual profile that takes you to the next profile in your sorted order, so you don't have to go back to the list each time. 7. Customizable number of profiles to view at a time. 8. A "filter" option when browsing, similar in function to SourceForge's filtering for logged-in users. 9. Customizable fields displayed in the Browse view. 10. Enlisting of the graphically talented among us to snazzy up the look. :) I know we've all seen cool-looking forums, and I'd like to sit back, look at our database, and say, "Wow, we have a cool site for some cool people!" :) (I'm talking here about _well-done_ eye candy, not glaring eye candy for the sake of eye candy. Teoh, was it you that discussed this difference with me?) ... If only my stupid laptop could run Photoshop, I'd even volunteer to do simple stuff... alas... 11. Links to .DOM&a=&b= to list all of the person's posts on CONLANG. 12. The birthday field label could be shortened to just "Birthday:" (instead of the current "Birthday (year-month-day):". Because the year is 4 digits and the month is spelled out, there's no chance for confusion. Nitpick: In the Browse view, it says "Browse all penpals." Looks like that string was missed in the conversion from penpal to conlanger database. Also, as soon as the list of subscribers gets updated[1], "Asha'ille" is going to need some hand-editting to get rid of the backslash that will be added to its apostrophe. [1] I was able to e-mail the Listserv with "set conlang noconceal" without any trouble. I think many of our suggestions require a "login" feature. I have know idea how much changing you'd have to do to accomodate that into YUMII. :) Overall, great job! I'm glad we finally have a place to see each others' mugs. :) -- AA


John Cowan <cowan@...>
Iain Davis <feaelin@...>
Arthaey Angosii <arthaey@...>