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Re: OT: Latin subject-verb agreement

From:ROGER MILLS <rfmilly@...>
Date:Thursday, December 13, 2007, 22:33
David Peterson wrote:
>Gary wrote: ><< >Lately I've heard "they" used a lot as a gender-neutral replacement for >"he", >"she", or the awkward "he/she", or "he or she".
(snip) I've mentioned before, Marge Piercy's proposed "per" (< person) as a gender-neutral future-English subsitute (the possessive is pers IIRC) in her WONDERFUL novel "Woman on [(at?] the Edge of Time"-- though I guess her readership was so small that it never had a chance.....
>Interested parties (including the remaining prescriptivists) can >see my short write-up of this phenomenon here: > ><>
That's good/amusing..... I'd note that "alright" _does_ have some acceptance, though perhaps not in the pages of Leading Newspapers.