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Re: OT: Latin subject-verb agreement

From:caeruleancentaur <caeruleancentaur@...>
Date:Sunday, December 23, 2007, 22:29
>"T. A. McLeay" <conlang@...> wrote:
>The Burmese words for "Burma" and "Myanmar" contain no /r/.* For >instance, "Myanmar" is "Myanma" in Burmese, and "Burma" is "Bama". >The <r> represents a low tone because low tones are long and >long /a:/ is represented in non-rhotic English as <ar>. Americans >pronounce an /r/ that does not exist in the original word, because >it is based on an orthography not intended for them.
>[*]: Historically the my- of "Myanmar" was mr-
Fascinating! Who knew? But I'm wondering if we should limit the /r/ to Americans. I copied the following from the Wiktionary entry. Chinese: &#32517;&#30008; (Mi&#462;ndiàn) Croatian: Burma (hr) f. Dutch: Birma Esperanto: Birmo Finnish: Burma (fi) French: Birmanie Greek: &#914;&#953;&#961;&#956;&#945;&#957;&#943;&#945; (virmanía) f., &#924;&#965;&#945;&#957;&#956;&#940;&#961; (mianmár) n., &#924;&#960;&#959;&#973;&#961;&#956;&#945; (búrma) f. Hebrew: &#1489;&#1493;&#1512;&#1502;&#1492; (burma) Interlingua: Birmania Italian: Birmania (it) Japanese: &#12499;&#12523;&#12510; (Biruma) Maltese: Burma (mt) Myanmar: &#4121;&#4153;&#4123;&#4116;&#4153;&#8204;&#4121;&#4140; (Myanm&#257;), &#4119;&#4121;&#4140; (Bam&#257;) Norwegian: Burma (no) Polish: Birma f. Portuguese: Birmânia f. Russian: &#1041;&#1080;&#1088;&#1084;&#1072; (Bírma) f. Spanish: Birmania (es) f. Swedish: Burma (sv) Charlie


T. A. McLeay <conlang@...>