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OFF: Dissociated Press

From:FFlores <fflores@...>
Date:Saturday, April 8, 2000, 0:52
OK, this is totally OFFtopic but... In my last visit to the Jargon
File I found this *wonderful* Dissociated Press algorithm *
and I programmed a basic implementation (in Python!). To justify this
post, I will say that the algorithm can produce some neat expressions
(say, like metaphors you don't exactly get, especially if you input
a literary text, or anything with a varied lexicon). Might be good
for spontaneous conlanging; the letter-based version has spit (spat?
sput?) out some jewels on me.

* Print a word from the orig. text; search (randomly) for any occurrence
of it, and once found print the word that follows it; etc. Needs some
repeated words to work with, obviously. If not it may enter an "echo

--Pablo Flores
  ... I cannot combine any characters that the divine Library
  has not foreseen, which in some of its secret tongues do not
  bear some terrible meaning. No-one can articulate a syllable
  not filled of caresses and fears; which is not, in some one
  of those languages, the powerful name of a god...
                   Jorge Luis Borges, _The Library of Babel_