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Re: tense marking and typology

From:Gerald Koenig <jlk@...>
Date:Thursday, June 10, 1999, 8:18
>From: Joe Mondello" <Rugpretzel@...>" >Subject: Re: tense marking and typology >Status: R > >(Re. tense marked by word order) > >In my old, mostly monosyllabic euroclone siniuz, word order marked tense. >the standard (present tense) word order was SVO, and in other word orders >(specifically when O preceded S) case inflections marked PoSes. Where there >is normally no O the reflexive pronoun 'se' is used as a placeholder: >(I don't remember many concrete examples or words so I will reConlang a bit >of it)
>SVO Present Aorist (?)
>VOS Future
>VSO Past
>OVS Present progressive
>OSV Future Progressive
>VOS Past progressive >
Pretty ingenious, I think. There are the expected number of tenses given three different objects to permute; 3x2x1=6. Just one more object would yield 12 tenses, still not anywhere near enough for a fleshed out tense system. Maybe adding some "quasi cases" beyond the dative just for the purpose of increasing the options would do it. Two more "quasi cases" would yield 6x5x4x2x1=240 tenses, probably enough. BTW, vector tense is not _that_ boring, even though it is linear. Jerry ------------------ NGL exists humor not marked.
>This is all making me nostalgic for those long ago days, about 9 months and 5 >conlangs ago. I really should settle down. > >Pacs Precs (Siniuz for, IIRC, "Peace, within reason") >Joe Mondello >