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Tokana goes to Russia

From:Matt Pearson <pearson@...>
Date:Thursday, February 15, 2001, 21:31
Thanks to the generosity of Basilius (Vasiliy Chernov), the old html
version of the Tokana Reference Grammar has been recovered and put back
on the web.  The new URL is:

If you have any links to the old Tokana site, please change them.

No changes have been made since the TRG was last on the web, so the
whole thing is rather out of date.  And there's some problem with the
formatting of the interlinear examples (all sorts of extra line breaks)
which I haven't been able to deal with yet.  But what's there will give
you some idea of the language, anyway.

Cheers, and thanks again, Basilius!



dirk elzinga <dirk.elzinga@...>