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Re: Woody or tinny?

From:Roger Mills <romilly@...>
Date:Tuesday, May 15, 2001, 16:59
David Peterson wrote:
>Aside from those, though, I can't stand the word "muchacho/a"...>,
In Brazil, I managed to get along quite well with distorted Spanish and the basic Port. words I knew, but one day used the word "muchacha" and sent everyone into gales of laughter. I don't think it meant anything nasty, just sounded hilarious to them. I quickly learned _o rapaz, a rapaza_ -- an equally strange word IMO. One might say (though I wouldn't, since I love Port. especially when sung)-- "Portuguese is essentially Spanish spoken through ill-fitting dentures." The recent discussion of "becoming" produced Kash. (ya)yuyukar "it is becoming [in a state of transition]", which immediately stuck me as ugly-- 3 [j]s in a row!! I'm seriously considering changing the inchoative prefix /yu(k)-/ to something more euphonious, despite the work involved.


John Cowan <jcowan@...>