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Re: Polysemy

From:Roger Mills <rfmilly@...>
Date:Wednesday, June 13, 2007, 18:03
The Wash.Post crossword puzzle I just did had 3 exs: HAND = 1.round of
applause; 2.unit of measure; 3.bunch of bananas--plus of course the real
anatomical meaning, and "to give"; but I feel these are more figurative or
metaphorical extensions of the basic mng. so perhaps don't count as real
polysemy (which may be true of many other cases too).

Kash has very little, in terms of base forms. I find only

yam 1. with (prep.) 2. a kind of noodle (< Gwr)

-ka 1. question marker 2. imperative marker (possibly related?)

tata 1. easy (~sata) 2. grandfather (affect.)

-le 1. infinitive/gerund suffix 2. sfx. to names, to express affection,

vahe 1. small paddle/oar 2. shoulder-blade of some large animals (could they
be related? This was stolen from Indonesian lang. Leti-- wa:ni ~wain- ídem)

i 1. and 2. allomorph of ri 'Loc. prep.' if another /r/ follows-- I ratu =
ri ratu 'in/at the street'

uleça 1. screen, as a piece of furniture (smallish, portable) etc. 2. the
screen in a cinema, or, pieces of scenery in a stage setting ("flies" I
believe they're called) Figurative?

There's potential for _homonymy_ in derivations-- e.g. if "rondo" existed,
its causative-- rundondo-- would be the same as rundondo 'to fill' < londo
'full'. Not sure how many of these exist, as I try to be careful :-))

Back in Feb. (138820 in Archive), Taliesen queried the phrase "bakat
sedan"-- I found a potential polysemy in--

"The words exist in Indonesian, but IMO don't make much sense together:
bakat: 1. trace, trail; 2. sign, omen; 3. talent, aptitude; 4. (foot)print;
5. crest, head; 6. scar; 7. faculty, ability; (Vbl.) ber- 1. marked,
scarred; 2. talented; mem- to indicate (RFM so = be a sign of...)

sedan [s@'dan]: sob; vbl. ter--2 sobbing"
(plus borrowed sedan 'type of automobile')

Gwr has, or can have, many more, due to sound changes, e.g. *pí(ptk)V would
all > /pi?/ with high tone.