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Re: English notation

From:Christian Thalmann <cinga@...>
Date:Thursday, June 28, 2001, 22:05
Tommie L Powell wrote:

> What English dialect does your teacher speak? > I ask because I've never heard English spoken like that > (though I've heard it spoken in numerous ways).
I got my English together from all kinds of different sources over at least a dozen years. Many independent native speakers have attested my speech to sound like accent-free generic American. What exactly are you referring to? Note that the usage of Latin vowels may suggest a wrong mental image of the pronunciation of my transliteration. In fact, I find Tom Tadfor Little's accent a bit strange: "...Eenglish speekerz. It reeliez..." Do you really say /i:NlIS/, /ri:laj/? -- Christian Thalmann


Tom Tadfor Little <tom@...>