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Re: USAGE: "I want crazy two years ago"

From:Roger Mills <rfmilly@...>
Date:Thursday, July 13, 2006, 20:20
Gary Shannon wrote:
> Don't forget "Shoot" as yet another substitute for the > fecal exclamation. >
My aunt's Great and Good Friend*, at a family gathering when I was probably 11 or 12, after some boo-boo came out with "Oh sh......ugar!" Everyone had a good laugh. But I don't know how spur-of-the-moment that really was. --------------------------------- *In Kash, I'm pretty sure now, that would be _susanji or susale_ 'terms of affection used among women (implying a very close, [and esp. susale] perhaps sexual, relationship)'. She was a dear, wonderful lady, Amanda, worthy of her name.