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Re: Greenlandic: 4th Person?

From:Eldin Raigmore <eldin_raigmore@...>
Date:Saturday, September 6, 2008, 15:46
On Fri, 5 Sep 2008 17:08:22 +0200, Henrik Theiling <theiling@...>
>Eldin Raigmore writes: >>... >> Isir-puq ingil-lu-ni-lu. >>... >> Pilirtuttumik irrui-vuq ini-mi-nul-lu majuar-lu-ni. >>... >Was that an exact copy of what was written in that book/paper?
Those are exact copies of examples 37b and 37c on page 31 of Julien’s book; I don’t know whether or not she made exact copies of Fortescue’s book/paper. The suffixes in question are definitely: 39a “-put” and “-pput” for -IND.3p and –IND.3p respectively; 39b “-puq” for –IND.3s; 39c “-vuq” for –IND.3s.
>Because it should be -poq and -voq instead of *-puq and *-vuq. >Kalaallisut has an /a i u/ vowel system and before uvulars, /u/ is >pronounced as [o] or even [O] and thus written as _o_. >The underlying ending is often written as 'Vuq', but is realised as >either -poq or -voq or -por- or -vor- (and maybe even -pu- and -vu, >although I don't remember an example), depending on phonological >context.
There are other Greenlandic examples in Julien’s book that seem to say what you seem to be saying they should say. Examples 32a and 32b are from Sadock 1980:311 “Noun Incorporation in Greenlandic”, Jerrold M. Sadock, Language 56, 300-319, 1980 32a Suulut timmisartu-lior-poq. Soren.ABS aeroplane-make-IND.3s 32b Sulu-usa-qar-poq aquute-qar-luu-ni-lu. wing-like-have-IND.3s rudder-have-CTMP-4s-and But all the examples from Fortescue have an <o> written for the vowel in those suffixes. 39a Illu-at kusanar-puq kial-lu-ni-lu. house-3p be.pretty-IND.3s be.warm-CTMP-4s-and 39b Qimmiq taanna nakuarsu-vuq saamasuu-llu-ni-li. dog that be.strong-IND.3s be.gentle-CTMP-4s-but So does one other example from one other source. From Denny 1989:239 (“The Nature of Polysynthesis in Algonquian and Eskimo” by J. Peter Denny, pp. 230-258 in “Theoretical Perspectives on Native American Languages”, edited by Donna B. Gerdts and Karin Michelson, SUNY Press, Albany, New York.) Erner-taar-put, aster-lu-gu-lu Mala-mik. son-get-IND.3p call-CTMP-3O-and Mala-INSTR