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Re: Interesting Brain/Language Nugget of Info

From:Barry Garcia <barry_garcia@...>
Date:Friday, June 25, 1999, 7:34 writes:
>The ink vs. chisel story sounds nice, and all, but it hardly holds up. >Runic alphabets, designed to be carved into stone, are usually (not >exclusively) read LTR. And hebrew, as far as I know, has been written with >ink for a loooong time. (And, incidently, it isn't really all *that* hard >to write RTL -- what's hard is making the switch after an hour and a half >of Hebrew class back to writing "backwards.")
I read somewhere that Arabic must have been practically always written with a brush because of the cursiveness of the letters (as opposed to hebrew which is suited more to pens). ____________________________________________________________________ "Bailando en el fuego con un gran deseo" - India ____________________________________________________________________