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Re: Interesting Brain/Language Nugget of Info

From:John Cowan <cowan@...>
Date:Friday, June 25, 1999, 4:19
Ed Heil scripsit:

> The vast vast majority of vowelless scripts write right-to-left. > > The vast vast majority of scripts with vowels write left-to-right.
I think the standard view, that this is essentially a coincidence, is correct. The alphabet developed at a certain time and place, and was not independently reinvented elsewhere (unlike syllabic and morpho-syllabic writing); it happened to descend from a vowelless script. RTL vs LTR reflects the way right-handers inscribe on stone or wood, and write with pen and ink, respectively. Normally the left hand holds the chisel and the right hand the hammer, so it is natural to start at the right end and work leftwards. Right-handed writing with a pen, though, is more easily done LTR, so that the letters are not hidden or smudged. Of the 65 scripts on the Unicode Roadmap, a mere 9 are RTL, and only one of these (Arabic script) is at all widely used. -- John Cowan I am a member of a civilization. --David Brin