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Re: Weekly Vocab 7

From:Christian Thalmann <cinga@...>
Date:Monday, May 26, 2003, 21:36
Time for the other half of Vocab 7 before I tackle 8.
I'll leave out 9 for obvious reasons.

I'll only do Modern Jovian for efficiency's sake.

 > 6. to approve
 > I don't approve of that style of clothing. It's immodest.

Nau approvo en mode.  Ix ummozista.
[no @p'pro:vA em 'mo:d  iS ,ummA'ziSt]

Note: |Mode| is borrowed from French and German (which in
       turn has it from French).  The Latin word "modus"
       ends up as |mozu| in Jovian, meaning "mode, way of
       doing..., fashion, style", not specifically biased
       towards clothing like |mode|.  There's also the
       preposition |mou| meaning "like a..., in the way of
       ...", being derived from the ablative "modo".  I
       guess that means I have my first conlang triplet.
       Wheee!  =D

 > 7. jewelry
 > I would like to go shopping for jewelry now.

Dsidro vare xopper auréi nun.
['dzi:drA va:r 'SApp@r o'rej nun]

Note: |Xopper| is obviously a modern import from English.
       |Auré| is the adjective "golden", but can be used
       for "jewelry" in general.  I'm currently not using
       an article for the uncountable partitive, though
       I'm contemplating borrowing |de| from French, or
       using the plural indefinite article.  I wonder
       whether the absence of an article could create
       problems now that I've abolished noun inflections.

 > 8. golden
 > That is a lovely golden torc. Do you have it in a larger size?

Ix un mirun monile auré.  ¿Haese id in nae mangore
[iS @m 'mi:r@ mA'ni:l o're  hajz id in ne vaN'go:r

 > 9. color
 > I love the color of gold.

Awo en colore de auer.
['a:vA eN gA'lo:r d 'aw@r]

Note:  Hmmm.  It seems that Modern Jovian extends the use
        of |de| and |ad| for the genitive and oblique of
        indeclinables (e.g. proper and place names) to
        uncountable nouns.  How very Romance.  Hmpf.

 > 10. expensive
 > I can't buy that; it is far too expensive.

Nau poesso ewer id; ix manore nime carun.
[no 'passA 'e:v@r i  iS m@'no:r ni:m 'ca:r@]

-- Christian Thalmann