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Igassik Verbs

From:Marcus Smith <smithma@...>
Date:Sunday, December 17, 2000, 23:43
After weeks of stress and chaos, the term is finally over and I can get
back to conlanging. So this morning I worked on my newest conlang Igassik.
I'm trying out the world of non-concatinative morphology and verb classes.
I might even call the morphology non-linear.  This is really complex, so
I'm not sure I did a good job of explaining it below.

Quick phonological notes: lexical words have a 2 morae minimum (codas are
moraic), but a two syllable maximum. Vowels harmonize for front/back, and
rounding when separated by labials.

C' represents a dental consonant. ae=[{], oe=[9], io=[M], eo=[7]. Capital
letters in the tables do not represent "real" sounds.

There are three tenses: past, present, future.

Syllables       1       2       2       2
Ending in       VC(C)   V       VC      VCC
Present --      --      --      --
Past            -At     -At     -At-    -A-
Future          -Iln    -Iln    -Il-    -I-

-X means suffix, -X- means infix, X- means prefix (we'll see those later).

The capital vowels means that the exact vowel that is used depends on the
vowel(s) found in the root. The front/back is determined by the root
vowel(s), as is round/unround with an intervening labial. In disyllabic
words, if the two root vowels are distinct, then the second one moves in
height toward the vowel of the suffix, eg, i > e in past (i+a=e), a > o in
future (a+i=o), etc. If the root vowels are non-distinct, then the second
vowel is completely replaced by the appropriate vowel of the "affix".

(Meaningless) examples:
Present Past            Future

kab             kabat           kabuln
naegy           naegaet         naegyln
nogo            nogat           noguln
Tad'ok          Tad'atk         Tad'ulk
Tonof           Tonatf          Tonulf
nysen't'        nysaen't'       nysin't'
zeopeons        zeopans         zeopions

Verbs inflect to agree in number with arguments on an ergative pattern.
That is, intransitives agree with the subject, but transitives agree with
the object.

Syllables       1       1       2       2
Begins with     V       C(C)V   V       C(C)V
Singular        --      --      --      --
Plural          Et-     E-      E-      -E-

The notation for 1:CV and 2:V is misleading, because 1:CV prefixes the
appropriate mid-vowel, but 2:V replaces the first vowel of the word with
the appropriate mid-vowel.

(Meaningless) examples:
Singular        Plural

at'             otat'
kym             oekym
klem            eklem
ilte            elte
buxa            boxa
ktaele          ktele

Verbs can be formed from Nouns, Adjectives, and Verbs. These are called
Active, Stative, and Causative, respectively.

Active: bread -> bake bread
Stative: green -> be green
Causative: bake bread -> make bake bread, be green -> make green

Begins with     (C)V    CCV
Active          k-      --

Syllables:      1       2       2
open/closed     either  open    closed
Stative An-     -An-    -A-
Causative       Is-     -Is-    -I-

(Meaningless) examples:
Bare            Active          Stative         Causative

og              kog             anog            isog
tawu            ktawu           tanwu           toswu
stod'o          stod'o          stand'o         stusd'o
t'egli          kt'egli         t'aengli        t'isgli
yjke            kyjke           oejke           yjke

When performing more than one of the above changes, you apply them
according to the following scale:
derivational > tense > number

So, if you've gotten this far, what do you think? I'm sure there is a
better way to describe it, but I'm not sure how to do this over email.

Marcus Smith
AIM:  Anaakoot
"When you lose a language, it's like
dropping a bomb on a museum."
   -- Kenneth Hale