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Re: "Self-Segregating Syntax"?

From:And Rosta <and.rosta@...>
Date:Monday, April 24, 2006, 0:16
Eldin Raigmore, On 23/04/2006 19:44:
> BTW now might be the time, here might be the place, and you might be the > person to ask about something that has almost bugged me for a little while. > > In LTAG (Lexical Tree-Adjoining Grammar) and in Dependency Grammar and a > few others, what seems to be the "head" of a phrase-or-whatever is the word > or lexeme or whatever constituent which actually ties its complement(s) -- > all of the "dependents" -- together into a single "tagmeme" (is that a > correct use of that term?)
(I've never seen the term used. It means something to Pike & followers of his Tagmemics, but I've never seen any Tagmemics stuff. But the original sense coined by Bloomfield was too vague for it ever to catch on, as far as I have seen. I once considered using it in my own work, I admit; but then I'm a word-fetishist conlanger, aren't I, not your straight up and down linguistician.)
> But in X-bar theory and a few others like it, the "head" of a phrase-or- > whatever is that constituent which, taken alone, would serve the same > function as the entire phrase. > > E.g. in Categorial Grammar, the adjective "red" is an operator which: > * takes a single NP as its only input; > * produces a NP as its output; and > * occurs just to the left of its only operand. > > So in the noun-phrase "red dog", Dependency Grammar would make "red" the > head and "dog" the dependent, IIUC. > > However, in any sentence of which "red dog" is a constituent, the > phrase "red dog" can be replaced by the single word "dog" without ruining > its grammaticality, nor even doing great violence to its meaning. > Therefore in X-bar theory, the phrase "red dog" has "dog" as its head -- > not "red".
I'm not familiar with LTAG, but at I find a tree for "Srini bought a book at the store", which treats "at the store" as an adjunct, as X-bar theory does; I'd therefore expect LTAG to treat "red" as an adjunct in "red dog", i.e. the whole thing being an NP. DG too is like X-bar. CatG does indeed seem to handle these cases more insightfully (but it turns out to be very ugly unless category names allow variables, e.g. so that a PP adjunct can be defined as something that takes an X as its input and produces an X as its output). Word Grammar allows for dependencies that don't match branches in the tree; so it allows "red" to be a dependent of "dog" and vice versa. One dependency reflects the meaning, and the other reflects grammatical distribution.
> If I am wrong about there being two meanings to the term "head", then, what > do you call the "active" constituent of a phrase -- the "operator" rather > than the "operands" -- in Dependency Grammar?
"Predicate" and "argument" would generally be used, I think. [...]
>>> The position that the operator takes among its operands, is part of the >>> definition of the operator-type; as is the number of its operands, and as >>> are the types of its operands. >>> It sounds like you're saying that in your conlangs these facts about the >>> operator-type are always "phonologically coded" into the word for a >>> particular operator.
>> They're not necessarily directly phonologically coded (e.g. with a >> morpheme meaning "has 3 operands"), but >> the phonological form serves as the >> address > > I think this "addressing" process may be one of those "details about > generalities" I would appreciate enjoying an explanation of.
I must have made it sound more interesting than it is, then! An example is that the phoneme string /banana/ serves as a way to identify and locate the lexical entry for BANANA.
>> for an entry in the lexicon, and the lexical entry will say >> "has 3 operands". >> >> None of my syntaxes have ever bothered with encoding the type of the >> operands. > > Out of the data I mentioned, they encoded at most the number of operands?
>> Of the three syntaxes I described above, the first had operators >> always before the first operand, and the operator encoded the number of >> operands. > > I got that one. > >> The second had the operator (still encoding the number of >> operands) freely ordered relative to the operands, but encoded on >> the operand its relation to the operator). > > I have trouble thinking that would work.
I meant "its ordering relative to the operator" i.e. precedes/follows.
> It should be possible to feed an operand into several different operator- > types. > Also it should be possible to feed an operand into more than one position > in some operator-types. > > It seems unworkable to code, on the operand, which operators it can feed > and/or which positions of them it can feed. > > Otherwise the word "dog" in the phrase "red dog" would be a separate > lexicon entry from the word "dog" in the phrase "dog and cat". > >> And in the current, all operators have two operands and follow their >> operands, so only simple operatorhood needs to be encoded. > > That's a little weird for a different reason; aren't there some naturally > and necessarily unary operators?
My 'operators' link semantic operators/predicates to semantic arguments/operands.
> Mathematically I think it's provable (but not by me!) that you don't need > n-ary operators for n>4; and of course most natlangs get by just fine > without n-ary operators for n>3, and many of them get by without n-ary > operators for n>2.
I'd be fascinated if you could point me to some online reference for that "no arity greeater than 4" claim, which is new to me. I can't see how there could possibly be an upper limit on the number of arguments a predicate has. In Livagian, primitive predicates have an arity of 1, 2 or 3. But you can simulate a greater arity by making one of the arguments a variable-predicate whose sense is bound by the main predicate. E.g. if X is your basic predicate and has 3 args, and Y is the variable-predicate, you can have x1, x2, x3-y, y1, y2, y3, giving an effective arity of 5. Also, there is no upper limit to the arity of complex predicates formed from predicates. E.g. if X and Y each have 3 arguments, then the complex predicate "X and Y" has up to 6 arguments. (In Livagian, this is.) --And.