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Re: CHAT: mammals and mammaries

From:J Y S Czhang <czhang23@...>
Date:Tuesday, December 4, 2001, 23:56
In a message dated 04.12.2001 06:39:10 AM, AJohnson@FOLEYHOAG.COM writes:

>Icky note of the day: koalas, which are marsupials, feed their young pap, >which comes out of their groin opening (this contains both genitalia and >the anus). Suddenly mammaries seem so much nicer. >
And I thought the hormone-deranged shower habits of my housemates were bad! Thanx for the reminder things could be infinitely worse: I could have a koala bear for a roommate... ;) czHANg who showers with a spray-bottle of industrial strength germicide