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Re: OT<?>: Linguist Heros was Re: No pronoun, no article

From:Garth Wallace <gwalla@...>
Date:Tuesday, October 21, 2003, 1:56
JS Bangs wrote:
> > I read a book a while ago about a preternaturally gifted linguist who used > his skills to learn an alien language and deliver Earth from the alien > oppression. The title now eludes me, though.
Not sure, but the hero of the movie "Stargate" is a linguist. He learns how to communicate with the slave-humans on the distant planet by the usual movie-linguist "point-and-speak" method (apparently, the language of the slaves is somehow only slightly different from ancient Egyptian). I don't recommend seeing it, BTW. It's pretty awful. Pretty effects though.


JS Bangs <jaspax@...>