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Re: Ordering of case names

From:Santiago <sanctifeld@...>
Date:Thursday, September 12, 2002, 4:10
----- Original Message -----
From: Isaac A. Penzev <isaacp@...>
To: <CONLANG@...>
Sent: Wednesday, September 11, 2002 1:43 PM
Subject: Re: Ordering of case names

> > > > In Russian and Ukrainian we use the same ordering N G D A I L (V). > I recollect a mnemonic verse in Russian to remember this ordering: > > Ivan rodil devchonku, velel tashchit' peljonku > "John gave birth to a girl (and) commanded to bring swaddling clothes" > > The first letters of each word stand for abbreviations of Russian > cases: > I. - Imenitel'nyj - N; > R. - Roditel'nyj - G; > D. - Datel'nyj - D.; > V. - Vinitel'nyj - A.; > T. - Tvoritel'nyj - I.; > P. - Predlozhnyj - L. (or lit. "Prepositional", since in Ru. and Uk. > it is used only in combination with certain prepositions).
My Russian teacher tought me the cases in that order, but for me it's easier to remember them as N A D G I P (prepositional), because most nouns have the same form either in the nom. or the acc. (masculine inanimates and neuter), so the first two cases N and A go naturally together to me, and of course because subject and direct object are the first things I was tought when I was at school, and they are logically related to each other. Santiago