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Re: CHAT: English & "a whole pile of new letters" (wasRe: chat: a conlang of my very own :)

From:Tristan McLeay <kesuari@...>
Date:Saturday, June 1, 2002, 11:47
On Sat, 2002-06-01 at 17:05, J Y S Czhang wrote:
> In a message dated 05/31/2002 09.39.14 PM, stevedegrace@YAHOO.CA quotes > Christophe (I think) and writes: > > >> Well, I like the idea of the pile of new letters. > >English is boring in its > >> insistance in not using any diacritic :)) . > > > >Yeah, what's up with that, anyway? I like the Old > >English orthography better than the one we're using > >now. I think we should start a massive protest > >movement to bring back thorn :P. > > And yogh! to represent /Z/ like in IPA!!!!
Pedantic point. The IPA doesn't have a yogh. It has an ezh. Yoghs look like threes. (This was a point of argument with the Unicode people a while back I think, deciding whether they should encode Yogh separately to the already-encoded ezh. They did. Yogh is towards the end of the Latin Extended-B range. I think Michael Everson (or something) had something about it on his webpage. John Cowan may no something more about this.)
> also that lettre-form that looks like a lower-cased 3 to represent > accented schwa and/or certain r-coloured vowels.
I do believe this would be the yogh of which you speak. Except that yogh made the /G/ sound I think. Or was yogh just the letter used for <g>? I can't remember... Tristan


Philip Newton <philip.newton@...>ezh & yogh (was Re: English & "a whole pile of new letters")
Muke Tever <alrivera@...>
Nik Taylor <fortytwo@...>English & "a whole pile of new letters" (wasRe: chat: aconlang of my very own :)